Cryoslimming Handles of Cellulite Reduction Fat Freezing Cryotherapy Thermal CRYO Tshock Slimming Machine
Product model
Cryoskin Thermal Shock
Freeze Temperature
-18℃ ~ 10℃
Heating Temperature
35℃ ~ 50℃
EMS Intensity
4 handles
10 inch touch color screen
Treatment area
Face Body Face Neck
1. The CRYOSLIMMING Method of EMS Cryotherapy Thermal Star Tshock Slimming Machine
Cryoslimming is a non-invasive procedure allowing to contour of the silhouette by destroying the locality of the subcutaneous fat. It is particularly adapted to destroy stubborn fat, difficult to eliminate with a normal diet and exercise. It is possible to focus on almost any body part. (Cryslmming is forbidden on the face and breasts) CRYOSLIMMING PROTOCOL One session lasts for 28 to 45 minutes depending on the body area and the program. Here is an instant inch/cm loss at the end of the Cryoslimming session, but the final result with be achieved 2 weeks after when the elimination of waste will be complete. It is recommended to do 5 sessions to complete one body area. Clients can lose up to inches/12cm in 5 sessions.
2. The CRYO CELLULITE Method of EMS Cryotherapy Thermal Tshock Slimming Machine
Cryo Cellulite Protocols combine slimming and toning techniques. Slimming eliminates the fat cells accumulated under the skin that are responsible for the orange peel aspect. Toning operates lymphatic drainage, helping to eliminate cellulite dimpling.
The slimming procedure destroys fat cells reducing the size of the adipocyte clusters, and releasing the pressure on the skin. The skin appears smoother, and the orange peel aspect is reduced. The toning procedure allows to operate lymphatic drainage on the treated area, draining out fluids and toxins. Irrigation increases toning up the skin and the elimination of fluids reduces volume and puffiness
3. CryoToning of EMS Cryotherapy Thermal Tshock Slimming Machine
Cryo Toning makes use of cold temperatures to tone the skin and improve the local metabolism Procedures can be performed on any part of the body for a tightening effect on the skin. CryoToning procedure can be operated for the post-baby belly, bingo wings, cleavage, etc. It is also possible to improve breast firmness. The cold has an instant tightening effect on the skin, but CryoToning also works in the long term by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. CryoToning also operates a lymphatic drainage of the body area.
4. The CRYOFACIAL Method of EMS Cryotherapy Thermal Star Tshock Slimming Machine.
CryoFacial is a natural, non-invasive, anti-aging solution for the face and the neck. This procedure is particularly efficient to tighten saggy skin, redefining the oval of the face, and lifting the skin of the neck. It also operates a long-lasting, deep biological reaction by stimulating the natural production of collagen and elastin. CryoFacial A session takes 20 minutes and results are immediate. It is recommended to do one session every week for 5 weeks, and then i session per month for maintenance. This pain will have a cumulative effect and help to maintain a higher production of collagen and elastin.
5. Cryo Double Chin of EMS Cryotherapy Thermal Star Tshock Slimming Machine.
Cryo Double Chin is a specific protocol addressing excess fat and saggy skin in the neck area. This method combines slimming and toning techniques, with 5 sessions of 15 minutes. Thanks to the Cryotherapy specific massaging technique, sessions are extremely comfortable. Measurements taken on the double chin show a significant loss. The visual improvement is very strong with a reduction of the fat layer, a lift-up effect on the skin of the neck, and the re-contouring of the jawline.